Radovan Karadzic or `Pol Pot of Europe'!
Radovan Karadzic, the most wanted wartime criminal has been arrested by the Serbian security forces on Monday. Karadzic waged a barbaric campaign of ethnic cleansing in the early 1990s where thousands of Bosnian Muslim were butchered under his order. His close ally, was former Yugoslav President, the late Slobodan Milosevic who died before his trial ended in The Hague few years back. Both were indicted for genocide and crimes against humanity in the Bosnian War in 1992-1995.
Karadzic was nabbed while travelling in a bus in Belgrade. He was disguised with long beard and had worked in a private clinic under the name of Dragan Davic. He had used a false documents while on the run for nearly 13 years. Although he was nicknamed `Osama Ben Laden of Europe', many would prefer to call him `Pol Pot of Europe' because he does not have the honour to be aligned with man like Osama. Radovan and Pol Pot were war criminals where as Osama ben Laden is fighting for a cause against his perpetrators. Osama is fighting against interventions and invasions while Radovan and Milosevic were `human invaders'.
The world still remember the `vivid nights of Sarajevo' with the slaughtering of Bosnian women and butchering of children by these two war `thugs'. Justice at least, seen to have been done and a war criminal has been removed from the civilised world. Next question..is George Bush next?
Slobodan Milosevic another war thug of this century!
Radovan Karadzic, the most wanted wartime criminal has been arrested by the Serbian security forces on Monday. Karadzic waged a barbaric campaign of ethnic cleansing in the early 1990s where thousands of Bosnian Muslim were butchered under his order. His close ally, was former Yugoslav President, the late Slobodan Milosevic who died before his trial ended in The Hague few years back. Both were indicted for genocide and crimes against humanity in the Bosnian War in 1992-1995.
Karadzic was nabbed while travelling in a bus in Belgrade. He was disguised with long beard and had worked in a private clinic under the name of Dragan Davic. He had used a false documents while on the run for nearly 13 years. Although he was nicknamed `Osama Ben Laden of Europe', many would prefer to call him `Pol Pot of Europe' because he does not have the honour to be aligned with man like Osama. Radovan and Pol Pot were war criminals where as Osama ben Laden is fighting for a cause against his perpetrators. Osama is fighting against interventions and invasions while Radovan and Milosevic were `human invaders'.
The world still remember the `vivid nights of Sarajevo' with the slaughtering of Bosnian women and butchering of children by these two war `thugs'. Justice at least, seen to have been done and a war criminal has been removed from the civilised world. Next question..is George Bush next?
Sdr Ramli...
Penangkapan Radovan Karadzic berlaku sebaik sahaja kerajaan baru berkuasa selama 2 minggu. Permulaan yg baik bagi mereka dan jika Malaysia ingin mengembalikan zaman kegemilangannya saya fikir political will semacam ini di perlukan.
Kita tidak mahu lagi mendengar dalam kesusahan rakyat masih lagi kerajaan berbelanja besar (isu Mercedes Terengganu).
Dalam kesusahan rakyat masih lagi ada penyangak, perasuah, penyonglap dan kroni yg dapat untung atas angin.
Dalam kesusahan rakyat masih lagi terdengar banyuak pembaziran, ketirisan dan isu penindasan ke atas rakyat.
Selagi sampah sampah dan bangkai yg ada ini tidak dibersihkan selagi itu ia berada dalam sistem.
Nampaknya sinonimlah UMNO+BN dengan kebobrokan sebegini.
Harap rakyat Malaysia ambil iktibar dari apa yg berlaku.
Hang him or put him to life imprisonment!
Then The Hague should go for Bush and Blair, then the world would be very happy to live in.
Concerned Human Being.
Radovan and Milosebic are animals of the African jungles.
I agree, hang him.
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