I must congratulate the new Prime Minister for some key issues on the new approach of his new team in the cabinet. Firstly PM Najib puts a very clear message to the people..the era where the government has excessive control and adopts a `government knows best' attitude is over'..yes over..no more of that ` I know what I am doing'..I am the minister..I am the YB...I am the chief..
Political leaders are there because of the process and the mechanism democracy and the system of the country. That is ALL...no more no less..So jangan perasan!!!
We respect the system and should abide by them and it must stop there. It is only a political evaluation and not an academic standing. It makes a lot of different when we compare a specialist doctor who needs five to six years to reach a superior stage in that particular field to a politician who moves up to a senior post by virtue of his involvement in the mechanism and the common practice of the party.
One does not need to pass an exam to be an MP or a minister. He or she would be a laughing stock if he or she thinks that by being elevated to a minister or elected as an MP or a division chief, he knows everything on earth or having the absolute right to think others do not know especially his subordinates or followers. That is what PM Najib means. It applies to all level of hierarchy in the party and the government.
PM Najib also commented on the `red carpet issue'. Though it came too late but it is the right time to put a stop to this. The over zealous lavish practice of ceremonial receptions in any function involving dignitaries or VIPs are too glaring and it makes people uneasy. It costs big amount of money and man power too. The masses are fed up too...ages ago. One can imagine the amount of time and money involved just for a simple ceremony of officiating a function or opening a simple gathering. As developed nation this has to be minimised and reduced. It reflect the maturity of the government and the leaders. Najib wants a less formal setting and a more business-like culture.
PM Najib also lamented the `trappings of extravagance' like the putting of billboard featuring the faces of leaders. It is a mockery of the advertising syllabus when the Tourism Ministry is featuring faces of prime minister his deputy and the tourism minister herself instead of the subject that needs to be promoted. Advertising students has been laughing all the way since the tourism ministry is promoting tasek kenyir, gua tempurung and etc etc with huge photographs of the Pak Lah, Najib and Azlina. It is not only a waste of public fund (we have to change the photographs now) but it also contradict the concept of advertising.
Congratulation PM Najib...you have TS Muhyiddin as deputy...a fairly good team to move forward...put a stop to these nonsenses and whip them to get cracking..the masses is watching...no more cigar..stop the excessive golfing...reduce political overseas trips...etc etc..the masses is watching...the final countdown will be 2013!
Congratulation PM Najib...you have TS Muhyiddin as deputy...a fairly good team to move forward...put a stop to these nonsenses and whip them to get cracking..the masses is watching...no more cigar..stop the excessive golfing...reduce political overseas trips...etc etc..the masses is watching...the final countdown will be 2013!
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