Saturday, July 11, 2009

YB M Manoharan..please learn to be Malaysian..

I do not normally pass remark or give comment on issues pertaining to race and religion. Firstly, I feel it is not logical and very unethical to talk about what has been agreed upon by our great great grandparents when they made their humble decision to be in Malaysia as Malaysian. Though it was Persekutuan Tanah Melayu before the admission of Sabah and Sarawak, I believe it was the understanding, acceptance and the then political landscape that lead to the formation of this lovely country known as Malay..sia. The majority have accepted it though there maybe some hiccup here and there, why not Mahoharan and others?

Secondly about religion, I have never commented about any religion because of my very limited knowledge on religions other than Islam as taught conservatively by my local ustaz and my parents. I would listen rather than giving opinion. Though I have read few books on comparative religions, being in Malaysia and a Malaysian, I have never even try to discuss them with others even with my Muslim friends. I respect all religions and beliefs and I expect other people to respect my religion too. It has to be two way understanding.

Recently when I read about one Selangor state assembly man by the name M Manoharan of Kota Alam Shah announcing proudly that he would never wear a songkok for any official function because the country has not accepted him and other non bumiputra as bumiputra, I feel so hurt and frustrated. He was man enough to say it openly, implying, he wanted to appear to be arrogant, racist and with bad intention. Can he live with that?
I could never imagine a man of his stature would go down so low as to not accepting the hard facts in our nation's history of about life in a country where he was born. Where in the hell that he got the idea of demanding to be given the status of a bumiputra when as an Indian he could not or could never ever imagine to be one.

History has its facts and justifications and being a learned man, Manoharan should pretty well admit and accept this. I do not think this issues should be brought up again and again. Unless Manoharan was having some cheeky things in his mind. I personally hope he was in his stable state of mind as to even think of trying try to rock the boat for reasons only known to him. Enough is enough. Lets play fair politics and keep aside the racial blurrr..I personally, have every right to be upset and angry!

I have advocated the multi racial reality in our Malaysian life. I have lived with it and long ago has accepted its existence. I eat with chopsticks every other day with my Chinese friends in Alor Setar, Jinjang, Kepong and Petaling Street and I have used `daun pisang' in a totally Indian restaurants in Brickfield, Sentul and Batu Caves. I have on many occasions attended Indian weddings and even acted as bridegroom's aide. I have visited and entered Indian temples in Malaysia and overseas. I have witnessed Indian, Chinese and Sikhs funerals as they were my friends. I do not mind keeping cigarette away from Sikh temples though I am a smoker. I have never ever think of cooking beef for my Indian friends. I understand that and deep inside my heart I respect dear fully, their religions and cultures. I have no problem with that. I have Indian sarees for my daughter's wedding and Chinese dress for my son's wedding. We have no problem with that and I am still as Malay as ever and so are my family members. What is the big fuss?

To Mahoharan, stop trying to an instant hero. It hurts the Malays and others. You are going nowhere with that political stunt if that was a stunt. You are going nowhere with that racial attitudes and it is going to damage you and your organisation. Stop it for reasons known to you and the rest of other Malaysian. You are an Indian and a Malaysian citizen!! That it. Full stop and accept it. As someone who has been accepting all these realities even as to ignore some irregularities in our Malaysian concepts of bumiputraism and the so-called social contracts, I have learned to accept them as I am the rightful Malaysian citizen of Malay origin. Manoharan must too accept these or the choice is all yours!!!


Anonymous said...


Send him to Kemunting, Taiping.

Ungrateful idiot!

Anonymous said...

dear batu putih,

I think you are missing the point. YB Manoharan was merely demanding for a fair and just standing of all Malaysian citizen irrespective of race and origin, as what the PM has said in the One Malaysia concept.

Dr Lee
Kuala Lumpur

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends,

I am an Indian, born, lived and worked here in Malaysia, my country.

I studied in UKM and I did not need to be called bumiputra to get admitted into UKM. It is my credentials that enrolled me in UKM.

I am happy as an Indian and will be happy ever after as a Malaysian citizen even if I am not a bumiputra.

To me, songkok is just a headgear. It does not belong to Malays only but Malaysian too.

Politicians are the one who stir up racial tension in our beloved countrty. BN, DAP are alike.

We hail One Malaysia!

Malaysian Citizen

Anonymous said...

Dear sir,

Though I agree with you on the acceptance of multi cultural and multi racial perspective, I sincerely feel that the over exposed cultures and the defination of bumiputra does not augur well in our Malaysian society.

PM Najib's idea of One Malaysia is a good approach for a better Malaysia.